Ex-beauty queen and Mother-of-one, Dabota Lawson took to Instagram to praise herself on decisions she made as she prepares to enter 2017.
She posted the photo above and said; "We made it baby girl ,we did good this year . We started a new family , went through pregnancy like it was nothing, got that big ol house we always wanted, added a new car , business been steady growing , we traveled . Girl ,you invested in yourself, you put all your energy into your goals and dreams ,instead of temporary people and things . Every member of your family and your real friends are alive and well . God really smiled on you this year . Remember baby said in two years you'll be thankful because He's going to change your world and teach you new things in a way you've never experienced before ?. Well look at you now . Just a year later ..Without being a social media nuisance ( credit to baby😜) . it's amazing what you can do and get when you QUIETLY , CLEARLY and AUTHORITATIVELY DEMAND it. when you don't concern yourself with what everybody else is doing .
no matter what you've been through , no matter what anyone says about you, no matter what you've done, If you make a firm decision to change your world with the help of God , someone will recognize the power in your existence and never want to let it go .
Do it for you, because in the end the only person who is going to be down for you is you. ... #ToughWorld #protectyourhappiness #OnlyAsillyIndividualWillStillTryToTwistMyWordsAndSuckTheJoyOutOfMyPost #GodAboveAll #StilliCelebrateMyself #JoyLikeARiverFlowing #2017loading #ImReady"
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