Thursday 27 October 2016

‘I don’t have anything against Redeemed Church and Pastor Adeboye’ – OAP Freeze


Popular OAP Daddy Freeze has stated that he has nothing against the shepherd in charge of Redeemed Christian Church of God worldwide, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye.

Explaining the motive behind his letter to the clergy, the fair skinned controversial man told, ” I wrote the letter because the guy in question is from Redeemed Church.  There are questions I wanted to ask  on behalf of Nigerians. I did that because there is no month that you will not see an atrocity by a pastor. I don’t have anything against Redeemed Church and Pastor Adeboye.  I just want to know how the pastor got to that position.  The church should be able to filter such a person”.
Daddy Freeze took to the social media when the news of a Redeemed Christian Church of God,  Pastor Clifford Ojugo allegedly burnt the buttocks of an orphan for lying.
In his letter to Baba Adeboye, Freeze asked the preacher of the gospel series of questions.
Here is a copy of the letter written by the OAP:
“Dear pastor Adeboye, I have a few questions for you and The Redeemed Christian Church of God, concerning an incident involving a certain Pastor Clifford Ojugo of the Redeemed Church, who allegedly burnt the buttocks of an orphan.
1. Is this man truly a pastor with the RCCG?
2. If the answer is yes, how did this man become a pastor?
3. What are you doing to ensure that this act which has cast a huge shadow of doubt on your church, especially with regards to how pastors emerge does not go unpunished?
4. What steps are the RCCG taking to ensure the rehabilitation, welfare and protection of this child going forward?
In my humble opinion, there are way too many RCCG branches and too many ‘men of God’. Is there any way these numbers can be cut down to enable you have more control over what these men of God are doing with the ‘brand’? Because in the 1990’s a redeemed church was opened under my father’s hospital in Aremo, Ibadan and it had to be closed down after my father instigated a lawsuit against them, citing the way the noise pollution generated by the church, was adversely affecting the health and peace of mind of the patients on admission, especially those who were admitted for hypertension, who suffered tremendously from the noise resulting from the drumming, singing and mega phone announcement during, service, revivals and night vigils.
Thank you sir ~FRZ

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